Dondero Parent Handbook
Here is the link to the complete school handbook for the 2021-2022 school year. A few highlights regarding schedules, attendance, and meals are below.
Daily Schedule
7:45 am - Morning recess/Breakfast served
7:45 am - Entrance open to school
8:00 am - School begins
2:27 pm - Dismissal for walkers/riders
2:30 pm - Dismissal for bus students/PEAK
Please do not send your students to school or drop them off before 7:45. We cannot be responsible for supervision prior to that time. Breakfast will be served beginning at 7:45 a.m. Those students eating breakfast will be asked to enter the cafeteria upon arrival. Once finished, they will be dismissed to the playground.
1. Students who arrive after the 8:00 a.m. bell will be considered tardy and are requested to report to the office and sign-in before going to the classroom.
2. In an effort to provide maximum protection of children, through the Child Watch program you will receive a call from the main office if the child's absence has not been reported by the parents to the school office by 8:15 am.
3.. Parents who have requested that their child be dismissed early should report to the office to pick up the student. Students will not be released to anyone without written notification to the school by the parents. In either case identification must be shown before a student is released. For security reasons, no student will be dismissed from the classroom. Students will be called to the office for dismissal after the parent/guardian signs them out in the office. Students will not be released from class until the parent/guardian arrives at school. Students returning back to school the same day must be signed back in by the parent/guardian.
4. Bus students will not be allowed to travel on a different bus without a note from their parents. Walkers must have a note from home if they plan to ride a bus. The main office will sign off on all bus notes as well as contact the bus company.
5. Each student has been asked to complete a dismissal form which states how s/he will be leaving school each day. If there is a change in the schedule throughout the year, you will be asked to update to form.
6. In order to ensure that teachers receive the message, telephone requests or emails to the office with dismissal changes need to be made prior to 11:30 am.
7. Walkers and students being picked up are dismissed at 2:30 pm. Parents/guardians picking up students should wait for them outside the building by the main entrance. A member of the staff will supervise pick-up outside to ensure they’re properly matched up with their designated ride.
Regular attendance is necessary for success in school. Students are expected to attend school (in-person or remote) whenever it is in session except in the case of personal illness or family emergency. Extended excused absences should be pre-arranged with the building principal. The parents will be advised of the school district's policy upon request for an extended absence.
School attendance is the primary indicator of a child’s level of success in school. The State of New Hampshire RSA 193:1 requires "that every child between six and sixteen years of age shall attend the public school at the time the public schools are in session." The law RSA 193:2 further states that "every person having custody of a child shall cause the child to attend such a school during all the time the public schools are in session."
Arriving at school on time or for a scheduled Zoom is another important factor in a child’s daily success. Morning routines and classroom meetings set the stage for what will occur throughout the day. A tardy student who is forced to play catch up begins their day at a disadvantage.
Classroom teachers, counselors, school nurse, and the principal monitor student attendance patterns. Counselors, school nurse, and the principal review cumulative attendance records regularly. Classroom teachers direct their concerns about excessive absence or tardiness to the office.
• 8 absences (unexcused or parent excused) The school will send a note and/or phone home to arrange a meeting to discuss a plan to address the problem.
• 10 absences (unexcused or parent excused) Documentation is given to the Portsmouth Police Department for police intervention.
Parents of chronically tardy students will be similarly notified and the child may have to make up missed work during recess.
Children are allowed to ride bicycles and scooters to school if the following rules are observed:
1. Bicycles/scooters/skateboards should be walked on school property at all times.
2. Students are reminded that bicycles and scooters are brought to school at their own risk. The school will not assume responsibility for damage.
3. A note giving permission for the student to ride his bike or scooter to and from school is required from a parent.
4. Helmets are required by New Hampshire law to ensure prevention of head injuries. Anyone who does not observe these rules will lose the privilege of bringing a bike or scooter to school.
Breakfast is available each day beginning at 7:45 a.m. The cost is $1.50 per day.
Hot lunch is available at a cost of $ 2.85 per day. Children wishing to purchase only milk may do so at a cost of $0.40 per carton. Carbonated beverages are not allowed. We also request that drinks sent from home are not sent in glass bottles.
Each student has an individual food account in the cafeteria. Families may send in funds as credits to the account and students draw from it each time they make a cafeteria transaction. Parents/guardians may also access an online prepayment service,, to deposit money into your child's school meal account at any time.
Menus are sent home at the beginning of each month and are posted at:
Applications for free or reduced price meals are available in the office or
If you have any questions about the school lunch program please contact Deborah Riso, School Nutrition Director, at 610.4474 or the Nutrition Department at:
Daily Schedule
7:45 am - Morning recess/Breakfast served
7:45 am - Entrance open to school
8:00 am - School begins
2:27 pm - Dismissal for walkers/riders
2:30 pm - Dismissal for bus students/PEAK
Please do not send your students to school or drop them off before 7:45. We cannot be responsible for supervision prior to that time. Breakfast will be served beginning at 7:45 a.m. Those students eating breakfast will be asked to enter the cafeteria upon arrival. Once finished, they will be dismissed to the playground.
1. Students who arrive after the 8:00 a.m. bell will be considered tardy and are requested to report to the office and sign-in before going to the classroom.
2. In an effort to provide maximum protection of children, through the Child Watch program you will receive a call from the main office if the child's absence has not been reported by the parents to the school office by 8:15 am.
3.. Parents who have requested that their child be dismissed early should report to the office to pick up the student. Students will not be released to anyone without written notification to the school by the parents. In either case identification must be shown before a student is released. For security reasons, no student will be dismissed from the classroom. Students will be called to the office for dismissal after the parent/guardian signs them out in the office. Students will not be released from class until the parent/guardian arrives at school. Students returning back to school the same day must be signed back in by the parent/guardian.
4. Bus students will not be allowed to travel on a different bus without a note from their parents. Walkers must have a note from home if they plan to ride a bus. The main office will sign off on all bus notes as well as contact the bus company.
5. Each student has been asked to complete a dismissal form which states how s/he will be leaving school each day. If there is a change in the schedule throughout the year, you will be asked to update to form.
6. In order to ensure that teachers receive the message, telephone requests or emails to the office with dismissal changes need to be made prior to 11:30 am.
7. Walkers and students being picked up are dismissed at 2:30 pm. Parents/guardians picking up students should wait for them outside the building by the main entrance. A member of the staff will supervise pick-up outside to ensure they’re properly matched up with their designated ride.
Regular attendance is necessary for success in school. Students are expected to attend school (in-person or remote) whenever it is in session except in the case of personal illness or family emergency. Extended excused absences should be pre-arranged with the building principal. The parents will be advised of the school district's policy upon request for an extended absence.
School attendance is the primary indicator of a child’s level of success in school. The State of New Hampshire RSA 193:1 requires "that every child between six and sixteen years of age shall attend the public school at the time the public schools are in session." The law RSA 193:2 further states that "every person having custody of a child shall cause the child to attend such a school during all the time the public schools are in session."
Arriving at school on time or for a scheduled Zoom is another important factor in a child’s daily success. Morning routines and classroom meetings set the stage for what will occur throughout the day. A tardy student who is forced to play catch up begins their day at a disadvantage.
Classroom teachers, counselors, school nurse, and the principal monitor student attendance patterns. Counselors, school nurse, and the principal review cumulative attendance records regularly. Classroom teachers direct their concerns about excessive absence or tardiness to the office.
• 8 absences (unexcused or parent excused) The school will send a note and/or phone home to arrange a meeting to discuss a plan to address the problem.
• 10 absences (unexcused or parent excused) Documentation is given to the Portsmouth Police Department for police intervention.
Parents of chronically tardy students will be similarly notified and the child may have to make up missed work during recess.
Children are allowed to ride bicycles and scooters to school if the following rules are observed:
1. Bicycles/scooters/skateboards should be walked on school property at all times.
2. Students are reminded that bicycles and scooters are brought to school at their own risk. The school will not assume responsibility for damage.
3. A note giving permission for the student to ride his bike or scooter to and from school is required from a parent.
4. Helmets are required by New Hampshire law to ensure prevention of head injuries. Anyone who does not observe these rules will lose the privilege of bringing a bike or scooter to school.
Breakfast is available each day beginning at 7:45 a.m. The cost is $1.50 per day.
Hot lunch is available at a cost of $ 2.85 per day. Children wishing to purchase only milk may do so at a cost of $0.40 per carton. Carbonated beverages are not allowed. We also request that drinks sent from home are not sent in glass bottles.
Each student has an individual food account in the cafeteria. Families may send in funds as credits to the account and students draw from it each time they make a cafeteria transaction. Parents/guardians may also access an online prepayment service,, to deposit money into your child's school meal account at any time.
Menus are sent home at the beginning of each month and are posted at:
Applications for free or reduced price meals are available in the office or
If you have any questions about the school lunch program please contact Deborah Riso, School Nutrition Director, at 610.4474 or the Nutrition Department at: